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Elise Lorraine interprets Elsa Tomkowiak: Into Color at TMH, Sep '21. Photo: Arjen Veldt - With singer Elise Lorraine and pianist Dante Boon - NLMagazine Kunst & Cultuur - Don’t miss the highlight of your summer: visual art, music, and poetry meet in this incredible creative collaboration at TMH. Please join us on Friday July 1st 19:00-22:00

19:00 – Highlights from TMH's program & introduction
19:45 sharp – Performance
21:30 – Summer toast to art, with Andy de Lange

Singer Elise Lorraine and pianist-composer Dante Boon bring their mastery to art and music to create an exceptional, experimental experience in the space of the gallery: from Cage/Joyce's The Wonderful Widow of Eighteen Springs (1942) to Andriessen/Lorca's Y Después (1983) and Dante Boon/Dylan Thomas’s the heart's size (2011), with visual art of Pino Pinelli, Beppie Gielkens, Elsa Tomkowiak, Mary Sue, and Zhu Hong.

Limited space. Admission free. By RSVP only.
The Merchant House
Herengracht 254
Amsterdam, 1016 BV

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