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Sunday 14 May, 15:00-17:00 - NLMagazine Kunst & Cultuur - Marsha Plotnitsky reflects on Stempfel's film and her curatorial work with the French artist currently on view at TMH.

15:00 – Doors open
15:30 – Screening and Talk
16:30 – Toast at TMH bar

At the age of 92, Stempfel is vigorously prolific and no less innovative than in the past. The TMH installation finds resonance in the works’ relational plays—art/artist, artist/viewer, art/viewer—and uses the layout of the gallery to highlight their novel take on abstraction.

TMH Talk: On André Stempfel & JCJ Vanderheyden
4 June, 15:00-17:00, during Amsterdam Art Week
Open conversation with librarian and curator Aloys van den Berk,
 curator and gallerist Fred Wagemans, and Marsha Plotnitsky, Founder of TMH.
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JCJ Vanderheyden:
2 June – 26 August 2023
Opening: Fri 2 Jun, 16:00-19:00, during Amsterdam Art Week
About the artist 
on our website.

The Merchant House
Herengracht 254
Amsterdam, 1016 BV



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