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NLMagazine /Amsterdam Kunst & Cultuur Galerie de Schans proudly presents the first solo exhibition of PourLesRats. 

A selection of works by the French artist will be on view from June 10th until July 2nd. 

Come by for the opening celebration this Saturday June 10th from 6-9PM

«Auguste Bouznad» 2022
Oil on canvas 
61 x 75cm 

«Vision d’Èzéchiel» 2023
Oil on canvas 

61 x 75cm 

«Tom O’reilly» 2022
Oil on canvas 
61 x 75cm 

Since the age of 14, he has been engaged in creating drawings, paintings, and animations. At first self-taught, he had his first showcased his paintings at the Miami Art Basel in 2017. He was then admitted to the Arts Decorative of Paris to refine his techniques. Throughout his artistic journey, recurring themes, characters, and a distinct universe have emerged. Hugo's creations transport viewers into mystical realms, providing a glimpse into his imaginative world.

By deliberately crafting his own unique spaces, Hugo utilizes his artwork as a way to study painting itself. He delves into the study of textures, colors, and interplay of light. The paintings featured in this exhibition at Galerie De Schans were produced in Porto, Paris, and Touquet, France, from July 2022.

Warmoesstraat 67
1012HX Amsterdam
Open everyday between 12-6PM
and by appointment
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