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21 of the Most Beautiful Drawings - NLMagazine/Amsterdam, Kunst & Cultuur - Schoonhoven and Peeters, together with Armando, Jan Hendrikse, and Herman de Vries, were founders of the Dutch group NUL in the 1960s.

The group, which played an important role in the international movement, postulated “objective art,” i.e. art that, through the use of minimal (and abstract) techniques and materials—like a few strokes of a pencil or burn marks on a sheet of paper or piece of fabric—should be free of any emotional value.

Schoonhoven was the only member of the Dutch NUL-group who was internationally successful; today he is considered one of the most influential ZERO-artists, together with Piero Manzoni, Lucio Fontana, Enrico Castellani, Günther Uecker, Otto Piene, Heinz Mack, Yves Klein, and Arman. Surprisingly enough, it was 1999 already when Schoonhoven had his first solo exhibition in the United States, which explains why a young American foundation like ICAR could buy his drawings without any competition as late as 2005.

This exhibition at TMH not only showcases the work of Schoonhoven and Peeters in their own right but also the trials and tribulations of buying and collecting art.


Herengracht 254
1016 BV Amsterdam
Open Fri & Sat, 13:00-18:00
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